Thursday, October 9, 2008

Welcome to my blog - both of you!

For my first blog entry, I wanted to explain why I'm calling this blog "Check It Out." I'm planning to recommend books, movies, websites, organizations and products - which is why the URL of this blog is (All the great URLs were already taken!)

But this blog isn't only about the stuff I love. I'm going to use this blog as a soapbox to warn readers about the people and companies I've discovered are less than reputable.

I'm sure that my views will spark a good deal of spirited discussion ... once people know about this blog. So thank you - both of you who are reading this - for telling all your friends and coworkers about!


  1. Steve- I had mentioned this video to you some time ago.

    Take 35 minutes and watch it.

  2. Steve- Nice site. Fresh, stylish -- and well written. (Imagine that.)

  3. Well, just so long as there isn't a hidden agenda in your blog. You know, something like world domination or revealing Atlantis...
