Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Evolution – Bad for Education

During the third presidential debate on Wednesday night, moderator Bob Schiefer made this very significant statement as he introduced the topic of education:

"The U.S. spends more per capita than any other country on education, yet by every international measurement in math and science competence from kindergarten through the twelfth grade, we trail most of the countries of the world."

The solution to this dilemma does not lie in spending even more money or firing bad teachers. We need to "fire" what has been called the greatest scientific hoax of all time – Darwinian evolution.

I believe that the National Science Foundation – with its rabid allegiance to evolution – has a lot of explaining to do. Since evolution is the only game in town when it comes to science education in our nation's schools, evolution plays a significant part in the sorry state of American education.

Not only is evolution unscientific, it is anti-science. I know this sounds like a rash and emotionally charged statement. No, it's simply an accurate statement because evolution is not supported by scientific evidence and denies the established laws of science. Furthermore, the history of evolution is fraught with fabulous fakes, monumental mistakes and downright hoaxes. Besides, teachers are afraid of losing their jobs if they point out the weaknesses of evolution. Instead of teaching students to THINK, students are required to accept evolution with an uncritical mind.

Evolution may be the only game in town, but its days are numbered. Thousands of scientists with advanced degrees are repudiating it. Evolution's only hope of survival is to continue silencing anyone who dares to question it. But I feel that Americans will someday wake up and resolve to silence the false science that's held us captive for so many years.

And when that happens, America will no longer trail the rest of the world in science competence.

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