Saturday, October 25, 2008

Book Review: The Evolution Handbook

When I started to read The Evolution Handbook, I figured I'd just skip through all the superfluous material and read the "good stuff." After all, who has time to read a 992-page book from cover to cover?

I soon discovered, however, that every chapter was just as interesting – and informative – as the chapter before it. Before I knew it, I had read all 992 pages and had underlined hundreds of passages for future reference. Yes, that's how good it is.

The only thing I didn't like about this book was it its title. It should really be called The Anti-Evolution Handbook, because the evidence it presents proves the utter impossibility of Darwinian evolution and neo-Darwinism.

I was delighted to find dozens of fascinating examples of design seen in the animal kingdom – the "Evolution Could Not Do This" sections at the end of each chapter. The "Study and Review Questions" at the end of each chapter were also helpful in ensuring that I fully understood the material I had read.

The chapters on fossils, mutations, ancient man and the global flood were particularly informative. So, too, were the thousands of scientific facts that refute evolution, the dozens of evidences that the earth is only a few thousand years old, and the hundreds of quotes from evolutionists that are remarkably frank … and damaging to the cause of evolution!

I encourage you to get your hands on a copy of this book! Through the end of October – or while their supplies last – you can get a copy for a donation of any amount by contacting Creation Moments at 1-800-422-4253 or by making a donation online.

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