Thursday, October 9, 2008

Creation, Evolution and Sarah Palin

As you'll see, one of my favorite websites is Creation Moments. Why? Because I happen to agree with them that the Bible is correct when it describes how we got here. That's why I recommend that website and why I suggest you keep on reading if you care about free speech and academic freedom in America.

I don't know what the mainstream media and bloggers hate more – Sarah Palin's political views or her thoughts on academic freedom. Concerning creation and evolution, the governor of Alaska has said, "I don't think there should be a prohibition against debate if it comes up in class." The fact that she backs academic freedom has many in the media up at arms. Just try doing a search on the two words "evolution" and "Palin" and you will get an eye-full of sarcastic and insulting remarks. Not scientific statements, mind you, just ridicule and scorn.

With anti-creation sentiment coming to a fever pitch because of Sarah Palin, I rejoice that evolutionists are revealing their true colors for everyone to see. After all, if they are so confident that evolution is true, then why are they so infuriated when someone remarks that Darwinism isn't the only game in town? They must feel very threatened indeed.

So many people want to keep Darwinism as the only theory on the table. This is not what science is all about. Even Darwin said his theory should be open to review by those on both sides of the issue. But that's not what you find today – not by a long shot.

It's irrelevant if I'm a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent. All I'm saying is that I agree with Sarah Palin when she said there shouldn't be a prohibition against debating the issues. How sad that we've fallen to the point so well described by Chinese Paleontologist Dr. J.Y. Chen: "In China it's okay to criticize Darwin but not the government, while in the United States it's okay to criticize the government, but not Darwin."

Those are my views. What's yours?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Steve. Well done. Nice look and feel for a words guy.

    God bless your hands. Well in your case it's the work of your "words".

