Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Back to the Tower of Babel

As I attempt to reason with evolutionists, I'm struck by how seldom they listen to what I have to say and how little they understand even when they ARE paying attention. I'm also struck by the totally ridiculous things they say to me. I feel as if we're back in the days of the Tower of Babel when God confused the languages. We may be using the English language, but neither side is capable of understanding the other.

In all honesty, I've never seen even one dedicated evolutionist be swayed by anything I had to say. Perhaps I'm planting seeds that will germinate someday and bear fruit. I hope so. But when "conversing" with an evolutionist online, it's as if we're both aware that our conversation is being viewed by others. And when there's an audience looking on, neither side is willing to budge an inch. (I tried budging an inch once just to see what they would do, but they still didn't budge!)

Oh, I'm not saying I'm giving up. Far from it. It's just that I'm not expecting to see any breakthroughs. It's a lot like sharing one's faith. You do it because it's an act of obedience to God. But just as only God can open hearts to the gospel, it's also true that only God can open an evolutionist's mind to the many weaknesses of Darwinism. Only God can reveal that He alone - and not natural selection - is responsible for all life on earth.